The CAP Collaborative Board is now accepting applications for a 3-year Community member seat. Lend your time, expertise and passion for climate resilience as a Board member, and help move the community toward a cleaner, greener future.
“This is a course setting decade for climate work, and the actions we take now at a local level matter,” said CAP Collaborative Board Chair Gail Garey. “Board membership is a unique opportunity to offer substantive expertise and to play a critical role in supporting the actualization of these recommendations.”
Learn more in the CAP October newsletter and hear from CAP Community Board member Geoff Blakeslee on why YOU should apply for his seat as part of our ‘Get to know the Collaborative’ series. As always, catch up on the latest news and actions you can take across our five priority sectors.
We invite you to sign up for our newsletter if you haven’t already and share with your family and friends to keep the climate conversation going.