In our January newsletter, we congratulate our CAP Working Groups – recipients of Yampa Valley Sustainability Council’s 2023 Environmental Cairn Award. The Environmental Cairn Award recognizes projects or initiatives that help chart a path forward for a sustainable future in the Yampa Valley. The award was given in recognition of the over 1,400 hours volunteered by CAP Working Group members to identify and bring forward 40 actionable, high-impact recommendations to successfully implement the CAP. In addition to this rigorous process, Working Group members lent their voices and consultation on timely implementation opportunities like outdoor snowmelt, updated building and land use codes, recycling and local procurement — issues that will have a lasting impact on carbon emissions in our community.
The CAP Collaborative also welcomes its newest CAP Collaborative Community Board Member, Emily Katzman. In her role as the Development Project Manager at the Yampa Valley Housing Authority, Katzman brings on-the-ground experience implementing CAP strategies in local housing development projects. Read more about why she chose to run for the CAP Collaborative Board and key issues she hopes to address during her time on the Board in our January newsletter.
As always, catch up on the latest news and actions you can take across our five priority sectors. We invite you to sign up for our newsletter if you haven’t already and share with your family and friends to keep the climate conversation going.