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Are you ready to position your business as a community leader in climate action? The time is ripe as consumers are seeking out green businesses and emissions reductions are needed to turn the tide on climate change. Join the Yampa Valley Sustainability Council and the Steamboat Springs Chamber to learn how your business can play a climate leadership role here locally, while enjoying the economic and environmental benefits of freely participating in the Colorado Green Business Network of the Yampa Valley (CGBN-YV). The first installment of the four-part series will be held on January 23 from 12-1:30 p.m. in the Routt County Health and Human Services Community Room. The goals of the workshop are to: Increase your understanding of the CGBN-YV program and the support role your local green team can play in connecting your business with state resources. Increase CGBN-YV’s connection to the business community to identify opportunities and challenges. Share a delicious (FREE!) lunch courtesy of WildPlum with a growing community of business leaders committed to environmental and social responsibility. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Register here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/yampavallleysustainabilitycouncil/1100399? Reach out to Ashley Dean (ashley@yvsc.org), with any questions. About the Colorado Green Business Network of the Yampa Valley (CGBN-YV) The Colorado Green Business Network of the Yampa Valley (CGBN-YV) was launched the summer of 2022 as a free, technical assistance and environmental recognition program. The program is run by Yampa Valley Sustainability Council (YVSC), a regional partner of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) Green Business Network (CGBN). The goal of the program is to connect businesses who want to distinguish their processes and products by environmenta

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