Ashley Dean, YVSC Communications
On June 21, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at CMC’s Allbright Auditorium, the Routt County Climate Action Plan Collaborative will host its first major public event since its formation in 2021 to share high-impact climate action recommendations for implementing the Routt County Climate Action Plan (CAP). All members of the public are encouraged to attend, and public input is valued and requested.
Cold beverages sponsored by Wave Brewing Co. and Mountain Tap Brewery, light snacks, Spanish language accessibility and childcare will be provided. The first 250 attendees will get a limited-edition Routt County Climate Action Plan Collaborative pint glass!
The goal of the Collaborative Open House is to share the Collaborative Working Group and Board recommendations with the public and gather public comment. For the past nine months, 65 sector experts and leaders have collectively (and voluntarily) invested over 1400 hours as Collaborative Board and Working Groups members to review the (CAP) strategies and develop actionable ways to implement them throughout the County. The CAP strategies include Energy, Transportation, Waste, Land Use, and Economy sectors. If all 22 strategies and associated actions are implemented, Routt County could reduce carbon emissions by 35% by 2030 and 74% by 2050.
The Collaborative Open House will begin with an overview of the Collaborative by CAP Board Chair Counselor Garey starting at 5:30pm, followed by a gallery-style display of stations with visuals and information about the CAP sectors and key implementation recommendations. Members of the Working Groups will be available to answer questions. Public comment will be gathered in Spanish and English using a range of platforms that are accessible to all. A Zoom option will be available during the overview presentation and there will be an online public comment option for those that can’t attend the in-person event.
Implementing the CAP as a guide to decision-making and actions sets the County on course to a lower-emission future that aligns with state and federal goals and funding sources. Be a part of your climate action future and engage with the CAP at the Collaborative Open House on June 21. What we do locally counts, and your opinion and actions matter.
The event is free, but please register in advance.