August 1, 2024

Routt County Climate in Action – July 2024 Newsletter

At Yampa Valley Sustainability Council’s July Community meeting, CAP Collaborative members had the opportunity to provide a progress report on CAP recommended actions and goals. Some successful initiatives include putting a limit on fossil fuel-powered outdoor snowmelt systems, adopting electric vehicle (EV) readiness requirements and protecting important habitats and waterways in new development.

CAP Board Chair Gail Garey kicked off the meeting noting that ‘this is a critical time to lead by example, and we know that the momentum and support is here to move forward on meaningful implementation.’ Read more in this month’s CAP newsletter, follow CAP progress here, and share your thoughts on how the CAP Collaborative is doing through a brief survey.

As always, catch up on the latest news and actions you can take across our five priority sectors. We invite you to sign up for our newsletter if you haven’t already and share with your family and friends to keep the climate conversation going.